Ministries and Missions >

Teen Mission Trip

The Teen Ministry of Elders Baptist Church strive to help the teens to FOLLOW Jesus in their faith and SHINE for Him in the world around them.  To that end, we provide several opportunities for the students to engage the world through missions and ministry projects.

Each year the Ministry takes a mission trip to assist a church in reaching their community for Christ.



God was moving in people's lives during our mission trip at Camp Wo-Me-To.

Thank you so much for your hard work and prayers Team. You all did a fantastic job!


Pictures will be coming soon.


Please pray for the Team before, during, and after this trip.

To register for this trip, please click HERE.

Please download the form and either fill out and submit online to

or print it put and mail it to 1216 Liberty Road Eldersburg, MD 21784.

The cost for the trip is $160. There are three payment plans:

Final payment for the mission trip is due by July 7;

Scholarships are available. Please let Pastor Chad know if you need assistance.


All Team Members (Adults and Students) are required to attend and/or partake in Mission Team Training.  The links below are the training session documents.  Click on the ones you may have missed and complete the review sheet. Submit them to Pastor Chad before coming on the trip.  Thanks.


Directions: Please read the attached document over each training session review. After reading, complete the corresponding Training Review and hit the submit button. Thank you.


Adult Leader Expectations 2024                                                                  Expectations for Mission Trip and Camp 2024


Mission Training Session #1                                                                        Tips for Teaching Children (Session #2)

Please click HERE to complete Training Review #1                                     Please click HERE to complete Training Review #2


Safety on the Mission Field (Session #3)                                                     How to Lead a Track Time Activity or Project (Session #4)

Please click HERE to complete Training Review #3                                    Please click HERE to complete Training Review #4